Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Haven, CT

SHUBERT THEATRE, New Haven, CT - November 29-30, 2019

You know that driving from Ohio to Connecticut requires driving through the ENTIRE state of Pennsylvania (a decently sized state); and we were fortunate to stop in Harrisburg (the capital of Pennsylvania) for our lunch break. It was actually really nice. Not enough time to visit the Capitol building, but I did get to see it at least--my first time. I hope I can go back and see it sometime. 

When we were preparing to get back on the bus after our lunch in Harrisburg, our company manager told us she had received word that our second show in Brooklyn (scheduled for 4pm on Sunday, December 1) had been canceled due to low ticket sales. We were all very excited, because that meant we might have the chance to explore NYC a little bit that evening.

But first, New Haven.

New Haven is where we spent Thanksgiving. We had a few days off between traveling from New Philadelphia, Ohio (just south of Akron) to New Haven; and it was worth enjoying. We stayed at the hotel (it was quite chilly) and had Boston Market catered to the hotel. We enjoyed our time together playing games and being silly.

I'd never been to New Haven -- though we had played Stamford, Hartford, and Waterbury other years.

New Haven is where Yale University is located; and having previously been to Boston and visited Harvard University, I was thinking I'd enjoy seeing Yale. Our theater was right by the Yale campus, and it was too chilly for me to be interested in walking all around the campus. I simply looked at the buildings as I walked around the area. That was enough.

The theater where we were performing was part of the Shubert Theater group; and there are many around the country; and Boston is the one I specifically know about. It's a similar looking design inside--beautiful.

That's me on the screen out front! They were showing the publicity video that was made back in 2014 (first year) on the outdoor video screen. 

We headed to Brooklyn next--and that was QUITE an adventure.

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