Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Burlington, VT

VT FLYNN CENTER, Burlington, VT - November 21, 2019

After leaving Madison, WI, we flew to Burlington, VT via Chicago. Most of us rented mini-vans so that we could go visit the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory the next day; which we did.

A group of nearly 20 of the cast and crew went in 3 vans (much cheaper than taking Uber rides there and back) to this fun little factory. There weren't that many people there; being as it was mid-November AND there were several inches of snow still on the ground.

At this moment, I cannot find any of the pictures I took at the factory, so that'll have to wait--not that it was that exciting.

We actually had several days off while in Burlington. I got lots of rest, watched the snow, did some shopping. It snowed beautifully one of the days, and I snapped some photos of the look afterward.

From my hotel window--

Outside waiting for the drip to drop-- 

The theatre where we performed was quite nice--another classic older place. Flynn Center. Here are some backstage shots.

Now to the really cool part--

That's me on the screen in the lobby--and these next few shots are all from the lobby--

 Back inside the theater and to the balcony--

Next stop is Wilmington, DE. Pictures coming soon!

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